I'll leave you a super nice review since you've...
...been really helpful to me on the forums ;)
I'll just say stuff as I listen:
- The kick could use a bit more of a punch...add a multiband compressor and adjust the high end's gain.
- Don't like the snare at all, something about it sounds really weak. It's almost like it's only half a sample or something :/ Maybe layer it with another one?
- Clap sounds a bit short, maybe lengthen it with some reverb? (Small room, about .3sec decay? I dunno, just an idea)
- The bass is sexy, but I think it's mixing with the kick a little. Cut out some of the subbass frequencies (with an equaliser) on both the kick and the bass to clean it up a little.
- Drums at 1:11 sounded a little weird (the actual pattern)
- The plucking sound that's been going on for a while....it sounds like Nexus? If it is, try turning the "spread" knob to the left about halfway, it'll spread the sound out wider. Right now it's too narrow IMO. (If it's not nexus, then just fuck around with its panning)
- For the piano, the bass notes seem a bit....harsh? Change their velocities to make them a bit softer.
- A sidechained pad following the bassline would sound nice and make this track "pump" more ;)
- The piano could use a little bit of delay, and some reverb to make it sound more full. Not too much though, otherwise it'll sound like shit.
Other than that, it's sounding really good! Musically and structurally it was great! :)
I kinda assumed you used FLStudio, I hope I'm right, otherwise some of what I saiid doesn't really work :P